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Amud 20b

תוס' ד"ה אחד

Whether they are new or whether they are old - אחד חדשות ואחד ישנות

When a dual statement is made; if it is referencing a dispute or a פסוק, the פשוט is mentioned first. In all other cases there is no concern which is mentioned first.

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תוס' ד"ה טמאות

They are טמא, etc. - טמאות

רש"י maintains that קרובות are always טמא, since she can bury by herself. רחוקות require an escort. Therefore חדשות are טהור for the escort would inform us of any burial; however by ישנות any report from the escort was forgotten. תוספות agrees with רש"י concerning קרובות. However, רחוקות ישנות are טמא because we are concerned that they were once קרובות and the woman buried by herself without an escort. רחוקות חדשות are טהור for an escorted woman buries in the cemetery.

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תוס' ד"ה עילה

They found a pretext - עילה מצאו

The ר"ח interprets עילה מצאו that they found a rib (of a skeleton).

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